Setting up Grade Books - Secondary

 Teacher grade books are set up for each grading period and finalized at the end of the grading period.  To set up a grade book for a class, go to the Classroom…Grade Book view and then click the “New Grade Book” button. 

This will be prompted to pick which subject to set the grade book up for.  The classes listed here are the classes that have been set up for the teacher by the guidance office.  Choose the term you are setting up the grade book for and then select the class.


On the grade book setup, select the grading period the grade book will be for.  Then select the grading scale from the list of scales entered by your office.  

For the “calculate grades by” field, select either total points or percentages by category. 

  • “Total points” calculates grades by adding up the total points earned and dividing by the total points possible. 

  • “Percentages by category” calculates grades by categories.  With this method, you will enter the percentage that each category is worth.  Grades will be calculated by grouping assignments into these categories.

Enter the categories for your assignments.  If you are calculating grades by “Percentages by Category” you must also enter the weight per category.  For each of these items, press “Enter” between each item.

Select the “Final Grade” calculation that will be used to calculate your final term or year grade.

Lastly, your name should already be listed as author.  Please do not change how this is formatted.






Upon clicking “OK” for the settings, your grade book will then be set up and will be listed under the main subject.  


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