Finalizing a grade book

When teachers are ready to finalize their grade book, they will touch on the grade book to open it.  Then they will touch the “Finalize” button.

They will then see the settings selected on their grade book, along with the students and the grade they will receive for that grading period. 

They should review this information and make sure it is as they want to report.

If correct checkmark the box to indicate that they have reviewed the settings and acknowledge that everything is correct and touch OK.

If you see a setting that is not correct or a grade you would like to alter touch Cancel.

Change the grade or correct the grade book preferences then finalize the grade book.

Once a grade book has been finalized you can access the finalized grade books by Classroom.. all grade books

The teacher can view the grade book by clicking on it.  Assignment grades can be updated by editing the grades on the grade book.  The grade book does not have to be finalized again.


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