Grade Summary
At any point, a grade summary report can be run from the teacher grade book. This report is available from open or closed grade books.
The grade summary report shows the grade each student had for each grading period, test, and final term grade.
To run this report, open the grade book page and go to Tools…Grade Summary.
This will produce a PDF document of each student’s grades for each grading period. In addition, it will show the final term grade for the student. Any grading periods not finalized yet will not show up on this report.
To run a report that contains graphs of each grading period grades, test grades and final term grades, open the grade book page and go to Tools…Grade Summary Charts. This can be run on both open and closed grade books. However, please note that grade books not yet finalized will not show up on this report.
This will create graphs that show the grades for each grading period, semester test and final term grade.
If you hold your mouse over a bar on the graph, you will then see the student names who have earned that grade.
Any grading periods not finalized yet will not show up on the graph report.
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