Entering grades

To enter an assignment in a grade book, go to the Classroom…Grade Book view and click on the grade book to open it up.

When you open the grade book, you will see the student roster, with each student’s current grade in the class listed to the right of their name.  To add a new assignment, click the “New Assign” button.

This will bring up a form to enter in the details of the assignment.


  1. Enter/Change the assignment date (defaults to today)

  2. Enter the lesson name

  3. Choose an assignment category

  4. To select standards, click the “Choose Standards” button and then select the standards.  

  5. Enter the total points of the assignment. 


If most students received the same score, you can enter this in the “Common Score” field.  This will assign that score to every student, and you can change the few that may be different.

If this is a MS/HS grade book, you can apply this assignment to your other grade books by check marking the class names in the also applies to: field. This will create the assignment for the other classes as long as that class has a grade book.

  1. Touch OK

Once you click “OK”, it will create the assignment and then allow you to finish entering the scores for the students.  The total points are listed above in light blue.

An “E” entered for a grade will indicate an excused assignment that will not be calculated into that student’s grade.  This will be shown in yellow.

An “I” entered for a grade will indicate that the student has an incomplete on the assignment.  This will be shown in red.  Any progress reports or report cards will show an “I” for the grade.  The grade book will still calculate the student’s grade as if the “I” were a zero.  

As you enter grades, you will see the student’s overall grade update immediately.

If you enter a score greater than than the total points for that assignment the score will be highlighted green. If the score is more than 120% it will be highlighted orange. These scores are calculated as entered, but they are highlighted to make you aware they are more than 100%.

Once the assignment is entered, you can reopen the assignment by clicking the assignment name at the top of the grade book column.  This will then show you the average, highest, and lowest score on that assignment.  In addition, there will be a grade distribution chart at the bottom.  If you hover over one of the columns with your mouse, you will see the students who are in that category.

You can make any changes to the assignment details and touch OK.

As soon as grades are entered they are available in Harmony and on Family Access. Grades will not be on report cards and/or transcripts until the grade books are finalized at the end of the grading period/term.


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