Scheduling a student into multiple classes in one period

Scheduling a student into multiple classes in one period

When students need to have more than one class per period on their schedule, the easiest way to accomplish this is to add the additional classes using the Mass Drop/Add. 


This process doesn't force you to remove the current class and add it back onto the schedule.  Instead, this class leaves the current schedule as is and simply adds the additional class!


To access the Mass Drop/Add, go to Guidance…Mass Drop/Add.  Select the term and class you wish to add.  Then select the student name on the right side.  You don't have to do groups of students, but can instead use this for individual students.


Once completed, touch the “Add Classes”button to add the additional class to the selected students.

As a side note, this feature can also be used to drop students from the selected classes by touching the “Drop Classes”button.


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