Course Request Matrix

The Request Matrix feature in Next Year Scheduling can help you identify which courses many students have in common.  This information can help you in determining areas of greater possible conflicts and this can help in placing courses on the master schedule.

To use this feature, go to Guidance…Next Year…Request Matrix.  Select what courses you want to compare and touch the green + sign after each course is picked.  In addition, you can also pick from the preset groups of courses.  For example, if you use Preferred Courses, you can choose to review all the Preferred courses at one time.  Additionally, you can review courses within a certain graduation requirement code.  


Once the courses are selected, you will see the view populate with a graph showing the number of students with those courses selected in common.  The number displayed where the chart intersects is the number of students who have requested both the course in that column and the course on that row.  In the screenshot below, the 4 students highlighted means that 4 students have requested both English 12 and Economics.  To remove a course from the request matrix after it has been added, simply touch the “x” by the course name.    

By default, all grade levels are included on the request matrix.  If you are only concerned about a certain grade level, select that grade level from the “include requests for grade” dropdown. 

If you want to enter a cutoff to see matches greater than a certain number, enter this number in the “highlight matches greater than” field.  It will then highlight those matches.

Lastly, if you would like to see the student names who have requested these combinations of courses, checkmark the box by “show student names”.  The names of those students will then be displayed on the chart.


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