How to see my membership numbers in Harmony


Go to Office use… all students


You can use this view for many things, but if you are wanting to see your membership numbers by building set your sorts as below

Screen Shot 2024-08-09 at 8.59.26 AM.png
Screen Shot 2024-08-09 at 9.00.22 AM.png


If you want to see all buildings in your district check include all schools


If you want to include your transfer out students check include transfer out


You will then see by building your total number of students and a breakdown by each membership type.

If you want to see the students in each membership category you can click on the arrow by that membership type


You can use the Sort by… and Then by…. to let you see students in one building or all buildings sorted by many demographic elements

You can also export or send emails from this view


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