Entering Grade History

Grade history is entered in on students from the main Students view by clicking the + sign next to the student and then choosing “Grade History”.  On the grade history form, you can scroll to the bottom to see any historical grades on the student that are already entered.

To enter a new grade, select the school year of the class and then enter a comment (if necessary), the grade level when it was taken, the course, term, grade earned, and grading scale to use.  Once that data is filled in, you will see the yellow Quick Preview box update to show exactly what data will be entered. 

If the course you need to enter is not a choice that means it is not in your course catalog. Go to Guidance… Next Year.. New Course to add the course. If you don’t want the course to be listed in your Master Course list check the Inactive box on the course under Scheduling Options.

The grade points earned will be based on the grading scale selected.  If this is correct, click the green checkmark to add the class.  

After the class is added, you can continue to enter any other classes for grade history for that student.  You will see all new classes entered under the “Courses recently added…”

All grade history will be visible on the student’s transcript as well as in Guidance…Classes by Students.

Including Grade History on State Reports

If you want the grade history to be included on state reports check the Include on State Reports box. You will then have the ability to enter additional data.

Choose from the IDOE credit methods.

If the credit method is not Summer School, Summer School IOA, or a Transfer method you will need to tie the grade to a class and teacher. You must choose a section in all other situations.

To learn more about reporting course outcomes use the link below to access information from the IDOE.

Knowledge Hub - How to Report Course Outcomes

Grade History that is Dual Credit

If the class should be marked as Dual Credit check the Taken for Dual Credit box. You can then enter the Dual Credit information. All of these fields are required for sending transcripts to Parchment.

Weighted Grades

If your school uses a weighted grading scale choose the weighted scale when entering grade history. If your school weights grades by applying the weight at the end of the term pick the non weighted scale and add the additional weight in the Wt added box.


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