Assigning Dual Credit

To mark student classes as dual credit, go to Guidance…Class List. Checkmark the student classes that should be dual credit and then touch the “Assign Dual Credit”button. 

Select “Yes”for Dual Credit and then enter the post-secondary institution code, post-secondary course title, post-secondary credits and the Indiana course transfer library. Then touch “Apply Changes 

If the course counts for more than one college course enter both values with a comma between ie ENG 111, ENG 112

The student class documents will then be listed in Guidance…Dual Credit Student Classes. In this view, the dual credit fields are listed in separate columns. 

Use the “Assign Dual Credit”button to assign any additional codes. In addition, you can use the “Category Search”or the “Show Filters”to filter the view. 

To update dual credit codes from prior year student class documents, go to Guidance…All Dual Credit Classes. 


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