Icon Identification

On the system profile under the Guidance heading you will see the option for Show icons on the student info and grade book.  If you would like this option to be on check Yes and save the system profile.  It may be helpful to take a screen shot of the indicator and icon color until you learn them.


Once this option is set to Yes you will see the icons only in the student summary- which is available whenever you are working with the student and on the grade book.

To mark a student for Progress Monitoring, edit the student demographics and go to the guidance tab.  You will see the option to mark Progress Monitoring - Yes.  Any student marked as Progress Monitoring will have a blue icon on the grade book and in the student summary.

504 Plan, Special Education and Language Minority are all indicated if they meet the criteria for sending that program to Data Exchange.  Nothing additional is needed for those students.


If you choose to utilized this feature, you will need to inform you school team and let them know what the indicators mean.  As suggested above, a screen shot may be helpful to communicate this information to all.


If a student no longer qualifies for an IDOE program but the data is still in Harmony, the student will have the identifying icon for that program

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