30 Day Update of Lunch Accounts

30 Day Update of Lunch Accounts

  1. Go to Office Use… free/reduced status.

  2. Select the show filters link in the upper right hand corner,  You may build a filter list for those students you need to send a letter to. 

    1. In this case we are going to filter students that do not have an application, are either free or reduced, and not marked as direct certified.  

  3. Make the selections on the filter as shown below and touch Apply. 

The filter will display only those students that meet the filter criteria. 

Select all students in the view and select Add new.  Choose between an email or letter to guardians informing them they need to complete an application.

If selecting the email option, you may wish to check to save as part of the student's record for future reference. 


Once the 30 days have passed, use the same filter options, select the students and clear the lunch status with the "Clear Lunch Status" button. This well set the selected students to pay and will update their cafe and text book rental as well.

Make sure to clear the filter when done.



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