Special Education Fields

Special Education Fields


Harmony Name


IDOE Instructions

Program Name/Placement Info



This element reflects the student's placement information, as well as unlock the appropriate setting codes where appropriate.

If placement changes, IDOE recommends terminating this SE program record with termination reason code 99 and creating a new program record with updated information.

Program Begin Date

Referral date*


A date must be entered to indicate when the current program record begins.

Begin date must be on or before the count date to be included in SE count.

For EV certification (initial evaluations), begin date must be in the current or prior school year to be included.

Program End/Termination Services Date

Termination date


Date that the current program record ends, due to program changing or student exiting LEA and/or services.

Reason for Exit

Termination reason


This field will populate the TR.

Field 17 and 99 will close out the program record for the local LEA.

Code 99 should be used for changing to a new SE program record within the same LEA. Code 99 means the student is still eligible for special education services if the child had previously been identified. Code 99 could also be used to close out of a record of a student found ineligible upon initial evaluation.

Location/Facility Code



Location codes is dependent on the Program Name.


IDEA Eligibility


Indicates whether the child has been found eligible for special education services in the current program record. 

Must be TRUE to report on SE and TR.

During an initial evaluation, this element will be FALSE.

Circumstances Relevant to Evaluation Timeline



Determines timeline for compliance for initial evaluations ONLY.

Indicator 11 compliance is determined for records with code 1, 2, and 4. Indicator 12 compliance is determined for records with code 3.

Timeline Compliance

Timeline compliance


Communicates information of whether the evaluation was on time or excused for a reason under IDEA and Article 7.


IEP Review Date

IEP review date


Case Conference date for most recent initial evaluation. Annual case reviews should not be recorded in this data element.

For children with initial evaluations concluded before the 2020-2021 school year, June 30, 2020 may be used.

Last Evaluation Date

Last evaluation date


May be initial case conference or most recent case conference date. Will not be used for annual compliance monitoring.

Parental Consent Date

Parental consent date**


Begins timeline for initial evaluations (20 or 50-day timeline). Reevaluations should not be recorded in this data element.

First Steps Transition Date

First steps transition date



Primary/Secondary Disability Indicator

Primary Exceptionality/Secondary Exceptionality


Language or Speech Impairment can only be reported as primary or secondary disability.


If a child has been identified with any disability and Language or Speech Impairment, Language or Speech Impairment should be reported as a secondary disability.


DO NOT include on SE Report


Prevents the SE Program from being sent






  • if blank or prior to first day of school the first day of school is sent (will be changed to be the Referral date in Ed-Fi API Suite 3 V6


** if blank Referral date is sent



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