Reviewing Grades for a Group

Reviewing Grades for a Group

To run grades to determine eligibility, go to the Extra Curricular Activities…Student Eligibility view.  This view will contain any previously run progress reports, along with the date and time they were run.


New progress reports should be created each time eligibility is run to ensure that the most current grades are included.  To do this, touch the “Create Progress Reports” button.


Select the activity you wish to review for eligibility and then choose the term and grading period to review.  Then select either period or cumulative attendance, along with how you wish for progress reports to be sorted.



Once progress reports have been run, you can filter the view by certain activities.  Then touch in the space between the student name and activity to see the expanded view of grades. You can also touch expand all to see all grades by student.


To see more information about a student’s grades, click on the student name.  Then touch the calculator icon to see the grades.  For each class, you can touch the class name to see an assignment summary of the student’s grades for each assignment in that class.

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