Creating Report Cards - Elementary

Before report cards are created, it is a good idea to check to make sure all teachers have finalized their grade books.  Only finalized grades will be on report cards.

  1. Go to Guidance…Open Grade Books

  2. Choose the term and grading period you wish to review

  • all the grade books that have not yet been finalized will be listed

In this view, you can then click the email icon to send an automated email to the teacher reminding them to finalize their grade books.  Once the email has been sent, the email icon will turn to a green checkmark to let you know that the teacher has already been emailed.

At the elementary report cards can be ran by either the office or the homeroom teacher.

Once grade books are all finalized, report cards can be run in the Guidance…Report Cards view by clicking the “Create Report Cards” button. 


A teacher can pick by homeroom and then pick their name to run just their class. Pick the grading period you just completed and the format for how the report card should look.

Remember your Report Card Profile is what controls what is included on the report card.

Once report cards have been created, you can select the students and publish or print report cards using the buttons at the top of the view. 

When you Publish Report cards you will have the option of including text to be in the email that is set to parents letting them know that report cards are available to view in Harmony Family Access.

Printing report cards will generate a PDF of selected students.

Remember you can generate award lists using the Awards button in the Report Cards view

creating an Honor Roll list

creating an Attendance Award list

Make sure you have updated your system profile to the new term/grading period. The term/grading period should be updated on the first day of each new grading period

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