On-Line Payments- Other Fees

If you would like to begin taking payments for fees other than textbook rental or cafeteria follow these instructions.

 If you have your lunch and textbook rental payments posting to separate bank accounts, or if you have separate access fees for lunch such as $1.00 but 3% for textbook rental payments,  please contact Harmony Support.  

If you have TBR and Lunch in one bank account and the same access fee, please follow these instructions.  


  1. Open the Vantiv Profile and select Other Fees. 

  2. Leave any other enabled options checked. 

  3. Enter the other fee choices you wish to have for that database. 

The choices must be entered as shown below.   

Description : 10.00  


Payments taken for other fees will not be posted to the students account in Harmony; however, the payments will appear in the Harmony Vantiv Report as Other and the payments will post to your bank account. 


The reports may be run from the Harmony Vantiv report to only have Other and downloaded to Excel. 


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